To attract wealth there are lucky charms and money, which are designed to attract financial wealth and prosperity. Ready talisman should be placed in the zone of wealth in the home or use at all times. Amulets to attract money are an excellent item subsidiary of impact to improve the financial situation of the family. Do under the luck and the money you can. For example, find a coin to dazzle with the help of wax chunks, to decorate the money tree in red ribbons desktop.
What is the amulet of the

A talisman or an amulet is an object or a piece of jewelry that a person is attributed magical properties of the tool, which should bring good luck, happiness, to be the amulet of negative energy. The holders of the amulets worn it constantly in the body to attract the soul to positive energy, in favor of the life of a white person and the magic. To attract financial prosperity in the family of the owners keep lucky charms in the corner of the house or apartment. The amulet should not display due to the abundance of negative energy, the output of the strangers.
What amulets to attract money
Since ancient times, people thought of ways to attract the financial well-being. Amulets for good luck and money, since ancient times, was held inside of the white wizards, psychics, sages. With the passage of time it is increasingly difficult to find an effective way to improve the monetary component of the life. Most of the people have forgotten this method of attracting success. Amulets to attract money and good luck attract to its owner the greatest amount of money, success in business, work, business. The pet can be any object, for example, in the form of a horseshoe, the plants.
Money amulets that attract wealth, adorn the ancient symbols, the runes, the images of the zodiac signs. Often keeps running in the green, the violet - red color that contribute to the profit of the large sums, to the search for precious treasures. Understand what are the lucky charms brings good luck and money, also to the own experience with the use of this monetary instrument with the amulet.
To attract good luck in banking affairs, magical object it is necessary to load correctly: at the time of the new moon's pet put in large bills, of ornaments of gold (rings, pendants, bracelets), light a candle and drip the mascot of essential oil of clover, visualizing the fulfillment of your desires in the field of finance, the sum of the account. Such rites symbolize the best commercial of the transaction.
The image of the runes
Classically, it is applied in the inner part of the wallet or at the bottom of the piggy bank, the metal of the safe. Rune talismans are used in the plots of the magic of the rituals to attract and wealth preservation of the fertility of the land, the health of livestock, the successful trade. Some emperors, the great merchants and the merchants are so believed in the force of this powerful pet, that burned or scraped runes on his own body. So that the image fits:
- fahu - similar to the american "f", lifted up;
- inguz - rune of abundance and fertility, the rhombus with "short moustaches";
- uruz - the symbol of the sun, action and success.
Animal figures

The ancient people believed in the sanctity of domestic and wild animals, in their ability to generate money, luck, fame. Keep in the house and in the corral and tried of these animals. If, for any reason, the animal that gives wealth and prosperity, you can't do - for the use of their images and figures. The amulets are made within the natural, noble materials: mahogany wood, ivory, gold. Do figures need to necessarily independently. The most common of animals-pets are:
- the frog;
- domestic cats;
- cow;
- elephant (with trunk up).
Non-exchangeable tickets
One of the most powerful amulets of enrichment is Non-exchangeable monetary banknote or coin. Nominal size is not important, but it is desirable that this was a great cut. Non-variable ticket necessarily must be stored separately and in an isolated place, away from curious eyes since it is considered that other people take the energy of money. In addition, tickets for the talismans must be selected from the found or given - this allows for an easy salary.
Precious stones
The alternative of the non-exchangeable currency can be converted into precious stones . The more good option for this amulet will not be processed, not purified by the stone, preferably obtained or found. If the use of gems in the store, they may be less effective. This is explained by the "mending" of the energy of the stone in the process of treatment or during the time of tenure of the other person. Most effective amulet-stone recognized as emerald.
The amulet of the good luck and money in their hands,
Talismans for good luck and money in their hands, it is customary to do since the beginning of its use. The manufacture of the pet of their hands, increase their action, because it "remembers" the owner, creator and directs all the force to the concrete person. The manufacture of amulets of any of its agents, of materials, the most important thing, to consider appropriate options, amulets, the principles of its action on the chakras. How to make a talisman in the money, you can learn in discussion forums, to show how the manufacture of amulets in the video.
Imperial amulet
Made on-site termination of the currency is very simple:
- you must select the night (full moon);
- in the dark of putting on the currency selected in the piece of red cloth;
- the palette yarn color green;
- read the prayer, the petition on the well-being;
- hide the amulet in a hidden location.
Special cable magic

The amulet of the good luck and the money, in the form of special, magic cable can be done in the following way:
- take the thickness of yarn (wool or silk), yellow, green, and red;
- work in a braid or otherwise figure tissue;
- if in the formation of the bead should be successful, healthy life;
- the cable always carry.
The bag of herbs
For the manufacture of apotropaic herbs must:
- pre-collect and dry herbs (mint, thyme, thistle);
- take a small bag made of manifest of the fibers of the flax (it will be better, if the fabric of the bag manufacture by itself);
- fold the grass;
- hide behind an icon or among the books.
The money from the tangle of
This talisman will help to attract the money in to the well-being. For its manufacture it is necessary:
- take any coin and the spinning of wool-green color;
- winding thread up to the state of that tangle;
- fix the ends of the thread in a tangle of pins;
- hang an amulet with the inside of the entrance door.